Solutions For Local Health Challenges
Our Mission
Our Mission is to develop and promote healthcare preparedness, response and recovery capabilities to hazards and disasters in Monroe County, Florida.
Keys Health Ready Coalition, Inc. serves as a multi-agency coordination group to assist Emergency Management, through ESF8, with prevention, protections, mitigation, response and recovery activities related to health and medical disaster operations.

We provide the latest information and educational programs and materials that focus on health-related emergency preparedness planning to our members and our community, and present plans and activities that strengthen the health system’s ability to respond to emergencies and disasters.
Join our Community
Being a member of our community has many benefits, including access to experts and training programs in a forum that enables members to learn best practices, access to a library of documents that include subject matter post-training, on-line trainings, participation in notification services for emergency alerts, and access to funding for services and equipment to prepare and prevent healthcare emergencies and response.
Who We Serve
Keys Health Ready Coalition serves a wide variety of organizations including :
- Hospitals
- Long Term Care Facilities
- Home Health Care Agencies
- End Stage Renal Disease Facilities
- Urgent Care Facilities
- Primary Care Facilities including FQHCs (Federally Qualified Healthcare Facilities)